Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Random Thoughts

So I went to school for a couple hours this weekend (we haven't had a work day since the first day of school, and we don't have one for a looooong time, except 1st Q conferences) and as I cleaned some stuff out I came up with a few things I wanted to share with y'all!

Last year, I went through a bazillion ziploc bags b/c everytime we played a new math game, I'd use 10 to put the partner's math materials together for the kiddos. This year I'm going green - I found these snack containers at Target 6 for $2. Two packs only cost me $4 (obvs) and they will last me at least this whole year, and hopefully a few more years. I just stick these containers and any necessary gameboards in the center basket, and the group is good to go!
Up and Up snack containers from Target

One of my K team members last year showed me these things - UH MAY ZING! So quick and easy, and with as many times as our laminator has been broken this year these have saved my life a couple times this year. Not as cheap though - usually about 5 for $2-$4 depending where you find them. (Thanks, Amanda!)
Scotch Self-Sealing Laminating Pouches
Ziploc bags are on our kiddos' supply list EVERY year in the usual sizes - snack size, sandwich, quart, gallon. We get all kinds, from name brand to some craziness, as I'm sure you already know. In the rush of putting things away this year I didn't even notice that one lil friend brought in these: 2 gallon ziploc bags! I had no idea these existed (my kids bring in so many I never have to buy them)!
This box only had 10 inside. Looking for a way to store the games for each math unit, I remembered these. 9 units and 10 bags means awesome organization! I'm so excited for this - it's so much cheaper than the boxes I bought last year at $2 a box that nothing fit in. In case you can't tell from the picture, that orange gameboard is an 8.5x11 piece of cardstock. These bags are huge!
Ziploc 2-Gallon Bags

Well that's the end of my randomness for tonight. I hope somebody got a good idea from this!

P.S.: You know you're a new(ish) teacher when you get psyched about ziploc bags. :)

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