So, I know it's not new, but I just read this old post over at The Teacher Wife and it reminded me of how unbelievably MUCH my kiddos last year just "had" to go to the bathroom!
I had 8 girls and 14 boys. If one boy had to go, they ALL had to go. The one or two boys that didn't go then, inevitably had to go 5 minutes later!
In my classroom, each student had a library pocket on their cubby. This is where they kept their punch card (more on this later) and their 3 popsicle sticks. Each stick had that student's number on it, so we knew where it went back at the end of the day.
Students were required to use the restroom as SOON as they finished unpacking and before they started morning work. We also took a whole-class bathroom break right before lunch (and washed our hands). These two counted as "freebies".
Any other time a student needed to use the restroom, they had to give me a popsicle stick. I kept a basket by the door where students turned in sticks. Again, each kiddo had 3 sticks. This is a total of 5, count 'em, FIVE trips to the bathroom! If they had to go again and didn't have a stick, they could go, but they had to clip down.
A bummer: students are not allowed to go ANYwhere without a buddy. Many times my boys would go with a buddy, then get back, and have to go themselves. Why couldn't you just go when you were there a minute ago?!
Speaking of bathrooms and washing hands:
I love it!!!
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